Alan T Clark (in retrospect)

Are you from the Bay Area or did you move here?

I moved here to stalk old black people to ask them about their time as members of the BLACK PANTHER MOVEMENT.

If not, where are you from originally?

Some would say I was from a place far away and not yet here. A refugee from an alternate universe. But the short answer is I am from a lot of places . the last state i lived in prior to Cali was GA.

When did you start making comics?

It is my life and it has drivin me into a proper insane state of mind. I lost my mind and have no intention of ever finding it.

How has the progression of your cartooning career impacted your life?
Hopefully the art has gotten better and the stories readable.

What influences your work?

My insanity compels me to work or the devil or both.

What do you want to do in comics in the next 5 years?

Still be making comics and have people actually read them and give me money for stuff like rent and drugs.

What are you working on now? Babylon , love is a dead place , and Rise of the black Panthers

What does your work represent to you?

It represent freedom and a honest fuck you to all my enemies

Coming soon!